Hire smarter and faster
Vet candidates with AI
Gain more insights about candidates' hard skills. Use our AI models to analyze candidates' CVs, generate tech questions and evaluate the answers. Make better hiring decisions on hard data faster and make your process bias free.
Take the lead
With our AI models and real-work environments in the cloud you are able to not only generate an interview scenario, but also transcribe and evaluate what candidates say or analyze the code they wrote.
Reduce hiring costs
With Teamsharq you reduce your tech team involvment in the recruitment process and, while having no tech experience, you are able provide your hiring managers technically vetted candidates.
Simplify the candidates testing process
Speed up Interviews
Easily create the real-work interview environment, generata excersises with our AI, send an invite link and test the candidates' skills live or capture their sessions.
Real-work Environments
Choose a pre-configured environment or build your own. Test your candidates with tools they are familiar with, focus on what matters and get the busy work out of the way.
Avoid Hiring Mistakes
Stop spending time to come up with fictional assignments and test candidates on actual project tools and AI-genereted tasks. See how they can help your team.
How it works?
Hire the best IT candidates! Anywhere, anytime, instantly.
How are we better?
Full Environment in the Cloud
All projects are unique because IT teams use their own set of tools, frameworks, tech stacks and platforms. With Teamsharq  you can create yout own environment in the cloud to test candidates with actual project tasks.
Tech Vetting based on the Power of AI
Write what tech skills your are looking for and let artificial intelligence does the rest. With Teamsharq, you can analyze resumes, generate technical questions and practice exercises, evaluate a candidate's answers along with what level they are at, and verify the candidate's code using our chatbot.
Better tech competence screening
Instead of coding puzzles with Teamsharq you can test your candidates on real work environments. See for yourself which part of the assignment was the easiest or most difficult for them. Learn about their strenghts and weaknesses before making the final decision on who to hire.
/up to 7 days
- 3x Test Workspaces
- 1x Instructor, 2x Students
- 1 vCPU, 2 GB RAM
- 20 GB Disk Space
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/ 7 days
- Pre-configured Workspaces
- 1 Workspace at a Time
- 2 vCPU, 8 GB RAM
- GNU/Linux
- Pre-configured Workspaces
- 1 Workspace at a Time
- 2 vCPU, 8 GB RAM each
- GNU/Linux
- All from Basic Plan
- Custom Workspaces
- Interview Recording
- MS Windows
Coming soon
- Whitelebelling
- Admin Dashboard
- Not only for Interviews
- On-premises
Coming soon
Contact us
Fill out this form and let’s discuss how we can help.